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Precision agriculture '15

Published: 2015  Pages: 752

eISBN: 978-90-8686-814-8 | ISBN: 978-90-8686-267-2

Book Type: Edited Collection

Towards increasing the impact of remote sensing on agronomic management, there is a current need for effective and near-real time processing of earth observation data, which are being delivered with unprecedented coverage, volume and frequency. To this end, a geospatial tool, named RemoteAgri, has been designed and developed for the efficient handling and online, on the server-side, analysis of remote sensing data for precision agriculture applications. In its current version, the developed services which have been implemented through web coverage processing service queries, are addressing important tasks like the calculation of standard vegetation indices, vegetation detection, canopy greenness estimation and land surface temperature mapping. Maps based on multitemporal satellite data, with up to 35 cm spatial resolution, can support rational and comprehensive decisions for precise crop and irrigation management.

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