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In the past century, many advances were made in the control of vector-borne diseases. Malaria disappeared from the northern hemisphere, diseases such as typhus, Bartonella and yellow fever were seriously reduced in prevalence and in many countries effective methods of disease control contributed to a greatly reduced incidence of such diseases. More...

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The series 'Food Safety Assurance and Veterinary Public Health' focusses on all topics considered by the European College of Veterinary Public Health (ECVPH) - a specialty college operating under the aegis of the European Board of Veterinary Specialization (EBVS)- to pertain to this veterinary discipline. More...

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The European Institute for Food Law (Est. 04-04-2004; is a non-profit foundation aiming to advance the level of expertise and knowledge on food law, at national level, European level as well as global level. In cooperation with Wageningen Academic Publishers, the European Institute for Food Law publishes the European Institute for Food Law Series of books on food law in the widest sense. More...

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The books published in the Human Health Handbooks series offer a comprehensive coverage of emerging fields of science and important discoveries in human health. The volumes in this series address multiple topics relating to human health, such as skin, hair, human breast milk, and sleep. More...

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The abbreviation after which the series is named stands for: African Women Leadership in Agriculture and Environment. AWLAE is a Nairobi-based pan-African non-governmental organization, founded by Winrock International. More...

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The Environmental Policy Series (EPS) contains PhD theses, monographs, text books and conference proceedings covering the field of environmental policy and governance from a sociology and political science perspective. Defining characteristics of the Environmental Policy Series are its broad geographical scope, and the use of an international, comparative approach. More...

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The fields of innovation and sustainability are more and more recognized as the major drivers of business success in the 21st century. Today’s companies are facing ever-faster changes in their business environment, to which they must respond through continuous innovation. More...

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Agri-food chains and networks are swiftly moving toward globally interconnected systems with a large variety of complex relationships. This is changing the way food is brought to the market. More...

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The Mansholt Publication Series (MPS) contains peer-reviewed publications on social changes, transformations and control processes in rural areas and (agri)food chains as well as on their institutional contexts. MPS provides a platform for researchers and educators who wish to increase the quality, status and international exposure of their scholarly work. More...

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